Hearts on the Doors – What Do They Mean?
If you see a heart on the door of a resident room, this is what it means:
Red – the resident is Covid positive
Orange – resident is pending swab results
Blue – resident is in isolation
If you see a heart on the door of a resident room, this is what it means:
Red – the resident is Covid positive
Orange – resident is pending swab results
Blue – resident is in isolation
Remove watch and jewelry
Wear clean clothes to work
Bring a change of clothes or scrubs in a washable/disposable laundry bag
Bring lunch in disposable bag
Do not wear nail polish and use proper hand hygiene
Disinfect phone, ID badge and glasses
Disinfect work station and stethoscope
Hand hygiene before/after each patient and when touching new surfaces
Use dedicated equipment in patient rooms as much as possible
No handshaking or high fives
Ensure 2 metre separation from other staff when talking
Wear appropriate PPE as directed
Put clothes in washable / disposable laundry bag – wear clean clothing home
Disinfect phone, ID badge, glasses and stethoscope
Work shoes wiped down and left at work
Shower at work or immediately when home
Leave outside shoes in garage or outside front door
Put water bottles/plastic containers in dishwasher
Put clothing and washable laundry bag into washer
Focus on wellness activities at least 1 hour / day
NEW COVID POSITIVE CASES = 1 resident (family has been informed)
TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 6 residents in Menno Home E2; 0 staff
NEW POSITIVE CASES = 2 (2 residents / 0 staff)
TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 5 residents in Menno Home E2; 0 staff
Staff whose swab results are negative are now able to return to work in other units wearing full PPE.
Zoom calls continue as booked. We apologize for any confusion.
Today has been a big workday for Leanne (Manager, Housekeeping) and her team. They have disinfected all the new isolation carts and are filling them with PPE to fulfill the full precautions for every unit in Menno Home. Full precautions are being rolled out throughout the units this weekend, finishing with the BSTN (Behavioural Support and Transition Neighbourhood) in E1.
All residents are being served their meals in their own rooms – great work Angela and team! There are more overbeds coming – they’ve been ordered!
On this morning’s call with Fraser Health, we heard the logic behind the full precautions throughout Menno Home. As we do not know the INDEX case for this outbreak, we have to behave with all caution and protect all residents and staff in all units until the INDEX case is discovered. When we are able to confidently say either that everyone (staff and residents) is COVID-negative or that we have done contact tracing through the INDEX case, then we will be able to lift the full precautions.
Most of the staff COVID-19 swab results are in. All that have come in are negative. Our PPE and sanitizing supplies are doing well. Bas (Manager, Environmental Services) and his team are ordering from Fraser Health every three days. His team was able to secure another 1000 COVID-19 swab tests through the Center for Disease Control. Great work, Stores Team!
We have started the auditing that is required, including Hand Hygiene audits, PPE audits and Environmental Audits. For this audit, we’ve trained an auditor on our team. They put some gel onto surfaces and leave it for 24 hours. Housekeeping does their enhanced cleaning. The auditor returns to those surfaces and reveals whether or not the gel has been removed with the cleaning.
The Menno Home E2 staff are entering through a door that was designed as an Emergency Exit at the bottom of a set of stairs. Bas and the Maintenance team set up a PIN pad for the door so that it can function as an entrance. The Active Screener meets each staff at the top of the stairs and does the Active Screening before they are in the space with any of the residents.
Some staff are doing overtime – thank you. We are short in some departments due to the staff who have tested negative not being able to return to work in other units, yet. Many are eager to get back to work. Thank you!
If you see Leanne, give her an air hug and an air high-five. She was doing the Terrace East laundry last night.
We are thankful for a very cohesive leadership team who are collaborating together to make this all happen – and thankful that we are seeing the return of negative results for the staff.
For all the past daily updates, go to www.MennoPlaceStaff.com
All materials available on the www.MennoPlaceStaff.com website are published for the sole purpose of keeping informed those individuals who work on the Menno Place campus. These materials may be shared with others who are also connected to the Menno Place campus in this same way. No content or material may be used or shared in any other context without the written permission of the Menno Place Director who oversees communications.