Hearts on the Doors – What Do They Mean?
If you see a heart on the door of a resident room, this is what it means:
Red – the resident is Covid positive
Orange – resident is pending swab results
Blue – resident is in isolation
If you see a heart on the door of a resident room, this is what it means:
Red – the resident is Covid positive
Orange – resident is pending swab results
Blue – resident is in isolation
Remove watch and jewelry
Wear clean clothes to work
Bring a change of clothes or scrubs in a washable/disposable laundry bag
Bring lunch in disposable bag
Do not wear nail polish and use proper hand hygiene
Disinfect phone, ID badge and glasses
Disinfect work station and stethoscope
Hand hygiene before/after each patient and when touching new surfaces
Use dedicated equipment in patient rooms as much as possible
No handshaking or high fives
Ensure 2 metre separation from other staff when talking
Wear appropriate PPE as directed
Put clothes in washable / disposable laundry bag – wear clean clothing home
Disinfect phone, ID badge, glasses and stethoscope
Work shoes wiped down and left at work
Shower at work or immediately when home
Leave outside shoes in garage or outside front door
Put water bottles/plastic containers in dishwasher
Put clothing and washable laundry bag into washer
Focus on wellness activities at least 1 hour / day
When was the COVID-19 exposure? November 18-21
Where was the COVID-19 exposure? Menno Hospital E1 and E2
Who needs to get swabbed for COVID?
All residents on those units will be swabbed, beginning with the residents with whom the COVID positive staff member worked.
All staff who worked November 18th forward on E1 or E2 need a swab test.
Staff can go to the community to get tested. Click here to book your COVID swab
You MUST say that you are a from the Menno Hospital outbreak (to be processed in the cluster) and were exposed through a COVID positive staff member.
COVID OUTBREAK UPDATE – Nov. 26, 2020 – Menno Hospital E1 & E2
Despite our efforts to keep COVID out of Menno Place over the past 8 months, we have a confirmed COVID positive for ONE (1) Menno Hospital staff member.
TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 1 staff member / 0 residents
AREAS OF EXPOSURE: Hospital E1 and Hospital E2
IS THIS COVID OUTBREAK RELATED TO THE ONE IN MENNO HOME? No. The COVID positive staff member does not work at Menno Home.
Thank you for your prayers for Menno Place and each other.
All materials available on the www.MennoPlaceStaff.com website are published for the sole purpose of keeping informed those individuals who work on the Menno Place campus. These materials may be shared with others who are also connected to the Menno Place campus in this same way. No content or material may be used or shared in any other context without the written permission of the Menno Place Director who oversees communications.