Date: February 26, 2024
To: All Menno Place Staff
Re: Payroll Reporting – T4s
T4 slips for 2023 have been emailed to the address on file for distribution of payroll pay slips for Menno Place employees.
The initial attempt to email T4 slips for Menno Home and Menno Hospital in the early afternoon of Friday February 23rd was aborted by the software, the second attempt to email T4 slips in the evening of Friday February 23rd was successful, consequently some Menno Home and Menno Hospital employees may have received duplicate T4 slips.
Please be aware that Menno Place staff will receive separate T4 slips for remuneration from each company they are employed (Home, Hospital, Apartments and MBS); as well, under each separate company one T4 is issued for casual employment and one T4 is issued for regular employment. The employer’s name includes “Qualified” for regular employment and “Unqualified” for casual employment.
MPP pension adjustment (PA) statements will be mailed today for those employees who have not yet opted for distributed electronically directly from MPP.
We would also like to take this opportunity to remind all employees of the importance of informing us of any changes, such as, address, telephone, marital status, and personal tax credit eligibility (TD1 information).
Go to to update your contact information.
Kind regards,
Marie Ponting, PCP
Payroll Coordinator