How to Make a WorxHub Request

You’ll need to login before you can make a request:

  • Access TheWorxHub using this link- or find it in the iLinks menu in top right corner of
  • Log in with the username and password that were given to you the day of your orientation.

If you have any issues logging in contact Diana Bae (Ext 2246)

How to create a work request:

  1. Click on the department that will handle the request. Most requests will be for either Maintenance or Housekeeping.
  2. Fill in the location of where the work will be done. If you start with the room number Worxhub will fill in the rest of the location for you.
  3. Use the dropdown to choose a template. Try to use a template when possible as this saves work for the team filling the request. If there is no template that fits you can leave this blank.
  4. Add a short description of the issue
  5. Include any other necessary details.
  6. Select a source of work. This will usually be either Staff or Resident.
  7. Make sure your name is in the Requestor field.
  8. Fill in your phone number.
  9. Click the blue I’M DONE button to submit your request.

2024 Vacation Request Submissions

Date: December 1, 2023
To: All Menno Home and Hospital Employees Holding Regular Full or Part Time Lines
From: Adrienne Alford, Interim Director of People and Culture
Re: 2024 Vacation Request Submissions

HEU members holding regular full or part time lines wanting to post into positions via provisions contained within Article 16.01 are asked to submit their interest, and preferences, to their designated Staffing Team, using either the Menno Home or Menno Hospital 16.01 form, no later than December 22, 2023.

Please remember that this pertains to blocks of 15 days or more.

1. Who does this affect?

Only HEU members of Menno Home and Hospital holding regular full or part time lines.

2. What do these members need to do?

Please submit your 16.01 form to your respective Staffing Office by December 22.

Thank you everyone!

Hymn Stories – December 2023

Joy is the keynote of the entire Advent season, especially for the Christian, who realizes its spiritual significance – God Himself invading this world and providing a means whereby sinful man might live eternally. Joy to the World is generally considered to be one of the most joyous Christmas hymns in existence, not in the sense of merry-making, but in the deep and solemn realization of what Christ’s birth has meant to mankind. Find out more about this hymn by Isaac Watts.

Click to listen.

UPDATE to Changes in Scanning In / Shift Reporting

Date: November 30, 2023
To: All Menno Home and Menno Apartment Employees
From: Adrienne Alford, Interim Director of People and Culture
Re: Change to Scanning In / Shift Reporting Process

Earlier this fall your People and Culture Team (P&C) shared that, for consistent practice with Menno Hospital, Menno Home and Menno Apartments would be implementing face scanning for shift reporting.

Employees without a face scan were asked to schedule time with our P&C folks to enroll in, and learn how to use, the face scanning machine.

1. What is the current status?

Currently, the majority of Employees are enrolled in, and successfully using, the face scanners located in Menno Hospital, Home, and Apartments. Thank you everyone!

2. What is the next step?

The hand scanners will be removed from Menno Home and Apartments on Monday December 18, 2023.

3. How does this affect Employees?

If you have not yet had a face scan completed, you must do so before 16h00 Friday December 16. Please contact Jessy Manhas at or extension 2230 to schedule an appointment. A member of our Team will be happy to enroll you at the P&C office located in Menno Hospital.

4. What will happen if my face scan doesn’t work, or if I miss my opportunity to enroll?

Missed scan forms will remain available for exceptional use. These will be available for pick up from the Menno Home/Apartments and Menno Hospital Staffing Office(s) to avoid clutter at the scanning stations.

Employees will remain able to enroll in face scanning on a scheduled basis by contacting your P&C Team.

Thank you everyone for your support! Post-implementation feedback is most welcome!

Staff Christmas Party – Thurs Dec 14th

All staff are invited to join us for a sit down, come and go turkey feast (& prizes!) to celebrate the season. The party will be in the Menno Hospital Chapel on Thursday, December 14th.

Memo: 2024 Vacation Requests – All Forms Needed Please!

Date: November 28, 2023
To: All Menno Home, Menno Hospital and Menno Apartment Employees
From: Adrienne Alford, Interim Director of People and Culture
Re: 2024 Vacation Request Submissions

In order to finalize 2024 vacation schedules, all team members of Menno Home, Hospital and Apartments are asked to please submit your vacation requests to your respective Staffing Office no later than 14h00 Friday December 01, 2023.

We have most, however are still missing some. In order to make informed and transparent decisions we do require all forms please.

1. Who does this affect?

Employees of Menno Home, Hospital and Apartment.

Nurses don’t be shy! We’re worried that we seem to be missing a fair number of your forms.

What do Employees need to do?

Please submit your 2024 vacation requests to your respective Staffing Office.

2. Then what?

Upon approval(s), enjoy your vacations…easy as pie!

Thank you everyone!

Report Your Vaccination Choice

All staff are asked to report their vaccination choice for this year’s flu season.

Welcome to Anu – Operations Coordinator, Assisted Living

Please join me in welcoming Anu Kolattukudy to the Operations coordinator, Assisted Living position!

Learn to Lead a Passing Quilt Ceremony

We are looking for staff volunteers to be trained in how to lead this ceremony in the event that a chaplain is not available.

Wear Your Pink Shirt on Thursday!


This Thursday, November 23, 2023 we will be celebrating the 70th Anniversary of Menno Place with a Come and Go tea in the Menno Hospital Chapel. There will be lots of guests on campus. Please wear your pink If It Matters to You, It Matters to Me shirt to join in the celebration. (You can find more info about the tea by clicking here.)

We want to see your smiling faces. If you take a selfie or a team portrait in your pink shirts please email it to Claire.Colvin[at] .