The Culture – Sick Leave and Missed Scans

Volume 2023.12
To: All Menno Place Staff
From: Melissa Francis, Director of People & Culture

1. Sick Leave- Policy Reminder

As we strive to ensure the well-being of all our employees, we want to remind you of our company’s sick leave policy. If you are feeling unwell and unable to report to work, please follow the following steps:

  • Notify the staffing team as soon as possible.
  • Submit a sick leave request through our official system or any other designated method.
  • Include relevant details such as the reason for leave and the expected duration.

Please remember to provide a doctor’s note if you are absent formore than 3 consecutive days. Under Menno’s Sick leave Policy ( AP3.18), under section 3.10
‘For more than three (3) days of illness, a Doctor’s note will be required’ This will be enforced moving forward, and will start with the staffing team or your manager making this request.

If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to your manager or the HR department. Your health is of utmost importance to us, and we appreciate your cooperation in adhering to our sick leave policy.

2. Missed Scans & Staffing Requirements

The People & Culture team wants to remind you that scanning in and out for shifts is essential. We have seen that many employees who arrive late will look to simply wait to sign out instead of signing in.

We can not stress how important it is for all staff to complete the missed scan forms if they miss any sign-in times. If you have any questions about this I would encourage you to speak with staffing or the HR team.

Meet the Director of People and Culture

Melissa Francis with her BBQ partner, Garry Janzen at CANADA DAY 2023