Flip your name badge back to white – why and how?

It’s time to flip your name badge back to the white side! Why?

  1. We won’t be continuing the numbers of vaccinations indicated on the name badge as all staff have the required number of doses.
  2. It’s easier to read black writing on white.
  3. COVID will be a routine part of our lives now and we don’t need to express this on our name badge.

This is a good time to remind everyone that you are required to wear your name badge in a visible location at all times.

Would you like to share with management any issues that we may not recognize that impact the logistics of wearing your name badge in your context of work at Menno Place? Send an email to Sharon.Simpson@MennoPlace.ca

Here is what you do to switch back from the green nametag:

  1. Separate the clear plastic front of the name badge from the back
  2. Take out your current name badge.
  3. Flip the name badge back to the white.
  4. Snap your name badge back together.
  5. Put your name badge on! Wear it at all times.
  6. That was easy!

Wear your nametag in a visible location at all times – why?

  1. It helps the residents know who you are – it personalizes their experience here. Hearing your name is one way to provide name-recognition. Reading your name reinforces name-recognition.
  2. It signals family members and visitors that you are more than a “worker” – that you are a person who loves and cares for their loved ones. There are numerous times that we have asked families to provide special recognition to the caregivers at Menno Place and they had to resort to describing you by your features and where/when you work. They didn’t know your name and were too embarrassed to ask you, even to give you kudos for a job well done.
  3. It shows residents, co-workers and visitors that you are fully vaccinated. This gives us all confidence that Menno Place continues to uphold the highest safety standards.
  4. It helps your co-workers know who you are. Our names are personal identifiers that remind others that we are a PERSON. We matter. Having your nametag on gives others confidence to refer to you by name, which promotes belonging and inclusion. As we continue to grow in diversity, it gives people confidence to hear names pronounced that are not from their culture and makes diversity in our workplace normative.
  5. Acknowledging individuals for who they are is the MENNO WAY! We are all about caring for individuals and co-workers with compassion, with interest and with personalization.
  6. Have you ever had someone forget your name? What if they do it more than once? Have you ever wondered why it is so offensive to you? It’s because forgetting your name signals to you that you are less important and less valued. If we all wear our nametags, we can build the confidence to use each other’s names, and show each other that we are all important and valued.

What do you do if you don’t have the name badge or you don’t have the white name badge? Fill out the form (to the right).

Need a name badge or a white name sticker?

This is the plastic and magnetic/pinned badge with your name and role. If you’ve lost yours or never received one, please fill out this form to get a one.

You will need to wait while it is processed for you. You’ll receive an email when it is ready. Pickup is Reception at Menno Home, Menno Hospital or Terrace East (M-F: 8am-4pm)

Fill out my online form.