September 22, 2021 – TERRACE EAST OUTBREAK/ TERRACE WEST EXPOSURE – New COVID positive = 1 (T=9)

COVID UPDATE – September 22, 2021 – Terrace East Outbreak / Terrace West Exposure


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 9 (8 residents TE / 1 resident TW | 0 staff)

PASSED AWAY TODAY: 1 (T=1 resident TE)

We are sorry to report that one resident from Terrace East(TE) has succumbed to COVID-19. Our condolences are with the family who will miss their loved one. In addition, we are sad to report that there is 1 positive COVID resident in Terrace West (TW). We have connected with the Public Health Officer who has ordered that the meals be delivered to residents in Terrace West. Several residents who were identified in contact tracing were tested for COVID. Families have been informed.

Yesterday, all residents and staff  in Terrace East were swabbed in our 2nd point prevalence testing. CLICK HERE to learn more about what Point Prevalence Testing is and why it is used in a health care facility. There are no positive COVID results from the ones that have being reported to us. Not all results are in.

There are several residents who are still in hospital as the disease has progressed. Please pray for these residents that they would feel the presence of God as they are living with the impact of COVID.

We will have more information about visits to Terrace West tomorrow after we speak with Public Health.

If you are supporting a loved one in Terrace West or one of our other apartment buildings, please raise the level of protection for your loved one by using all layers of protection –  hand hygiene, fewer visitors, mask wearing at all times, vaccination. Please ask your own loved ones about any mild symptoms they may be experiencing – CLICK HERE FOR SYMPTOM LIST.

September 21, 2021 – TERRACE EAST OUTBREAK – New COVID positive = 0 (T=8)

COVID UPDATE – September 21, 2021 – Terrace East Outbreak


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 8 (8 residents | 0 staff)

There are no new COVID positive residents to report today. All residents and staff are being swabbed in our 2nd point prevalence testing. CLICK HERE to learn more about what Point Prevalence Testing is and why it is used in a health care facility.

Most of the COVID positive residents are managing with relatively mild symptoms. Unfortunately, several have gone to hospital as the disease has progressed. Families are aware. Please be praying for these residents and their families as they navigate these difficult times. We continue to recognize that the elderly are the most vulnerable, even with the layer of vaccination protection.

As Terrace East and West are connected with a shared dining room, we have also been carefully watching for any symptoms among the Terrace West residents. Please ask your own loved ones about any mild symptoms they may be experiencing – CLICK HERE FOR SYMPTOM LIST.

Thank you for your support as we are vigilant about the protocols that need to be in place as we support the residents who live in Terrace East. If you are supporting a loved one in Terrace West or one of our other apartment buildings, please raise the level of protection for your loved one by using all layers of protection –  hand hygiene, fewer visitors, mask wearing at all times, vaccination.

IMMEDIATE ATTENTION: All Terrace East Staff who worked Sept. 8-20 must be swabbed again on Sept. 21

UPDATE – Continue your work schedule UNLESS the COVID test is positive or you develop symptoms

If you worked in Terrace East (in any department) between Sept. 8 – 20th, Public Health is ordering another COVID swab (PCR) to be completed on September 21, 2021. This is a point-prevalence test that determines if or how widely COVID is moving among the staff and residents. If you do not follow this order and get swabbed on September 21st, you prevent Public Health from making decisions about next steps, including increasing or removing protocols such as isolation.

There will be 2 Fraser Health nurses at Terrace East to swab those who are at work on September 21st.

If you worked in Terrace East for the original dates (Sept. 8-12) and then have not been working in Terrace East, please go to the community COVID swabbing site rather than re-entering Terrace East for the Fraser Health nursing to swab you for COVID.

All others must arrange to get a COVID swab done on Sept. 21st:

  • Call 604.587.3936 – 32470 Haida Drive, Abbotsford, BC
  • advise Menno Place (supervisor AND staffing) of the result of the PCR test;

If the PCR test result is positive:

  • 10 days have passed from the time of the positive rapid test, or
  • the staff member’s return has been approved by the medical health officer

What is a PCR test?
A PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test for COVID-19 is a test used to diagnosis people who are currently infected with SARS-CoV-2, which is the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. The test is a nose swab and is the most accurate and reliable test for diagnosing COVID-19. The PHO requires this test to be administered by a publicly funded program or a publicly paid health care provider.

Doesn’t my rapid test count?
No. A rapid test is a tool that is used as an additional layer of protection to prevent COVID from entering a Menno Place building/unit. It is not 100% accurate, although it is very effective.

Public Health does not keep track of rapid tests, but requires the full COVID PCR test for any of the orders for COVID testing. You can either have a PCR test as a swab OR as a gargle test.

What is PPT (point prevalence testing) and why are they doing it?

A point prevalence is a type of testing that provides information on the overall number of individuals affected in a health care facility. Conducting one or more rounds of testing when undetected transmission is suspected (or possible) helps to identify infected residents and staff before they get symptoms or if they never get symptoms. This makes it possible to manage people who are infected in order to limit further spread of COVID. Any resident or staff who tests positive is placed in isolation.


September 20, 2021 – TERRACE EAST OUTBREAK – New COVID positive = 1 resident (T=8)

COVID UPDATE – September 20, 2021 – Terrace East Outbreak


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 8 (8 residents | 0 staff)

We are sad to report an additional COVID positive resident in Terrace East today. Most of the COVID positive residents are managing with relatively mild symptoms. Unfortunately, several have gone to hospital as the disease has progressed. Families are aware. Please be praying for these residents and their families as they navigate these difficult times. We continue to recognize that the elderly are the most vulnerable, even with the layer of vaccination protection.

As Terrace East and West are connected with a shared dining room, we have also been carefully watching for any symptoms among the Terrace West residents. Please ask your own loved ones about any mild symptoms they may be experiencing – CLICK HERE FOR SYMPTOM LIST. Although several Terrace West residents have been swabbed, none are positive. We are thankful for this.

Thank you for your support as we are vigilant about the protocols that need to be in place as we support the residents who live in Terrace East. If you are supporting a loved one in Terrace West or one of our other apartment buildings, please raise the level of protection for your loved one by using all layers of protection –  hand hygiene, fewer visitors, mask wearing at all times, vaccination.

September 18, 2021 – TERRACE EAST OUTBREAK – New COVID positive = 1 resident (T=7)

COVID UPDATE – September 18, 2021 – Terrace East Outbreak


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 7 (7 residents | 0 staff)

We are sad to report an additional COVID positive resident in Terrace East. We continue to put into place all the infection control protocols that are required to keep residents and staff safe. These include enhanced cleaning, hand hygiene audits and personal protection equipment audits.

All residents of Terrace East remain on isolation in their apartment suites. This is the safest place for residents is to e in their apartment suite.


Essential Grocery Delivery: We are pleased to open up grocery delivery to three days/week: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 1pm – 5pm. Please only deliver at the end of the day if you are unable to come earlier. Our Visitation Hosts will deliver the groceries to your loved one before 6pm when their shift is finished.

Television Announcements: John Dyck (Chaplain) and Leonard Klassen (Life Enrichment Coordinator) are now providing updates on the Channel 10 television station on Fridays at 11am. There will be a second time-frame, but it has not, yet, been scheduled. This will keep your loved ones in the loop about what is current at Menno Place and in their apartment as it relates to COVID. If there is a question that they would like answered, the resident or loved one can phone Leonard Klassen with the question: 604.851.4006 or email him:

September 17, 2021 – TERRACE EAST NOW ON OUTBREAK – New COVID positive = 1 resident (T=6)

COVID UPDATE – September 17, 2021 – Terrace East Outbreak


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 6 (6 residents | 0 staff)

We are sad to report an additional COVID positive resident in Terrace East. This was the only swab that came back COVID positive from the point-prevalence testing done on floors 1-4, all others are negative result.

Terrace East staff team continue to put into place all the infection control protocols, working closely with the Fraser Health Infection Control Protocol lead. All residents of Terrace East remain on isolation in their apartment suites. The safest place to be is in the apartment suite. All who enter their suite are wearing full personal protective equipment.

We are pleased to open up grocery delivery to three days/week: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 1pm – 5pm. Please only deliver at the end of the day if you are unable to come earlier. Our Visitation Hosts will deliver the groceries to your loved one before 6pm when their shift is finished.

John Dyck (Chaplain) and Leonard Klassen (Life Enrichment Coordinator) are now providing updates on the Channel 10 television station on Fridays at 11am. There will be a second time-frame, but it has not, yet, been scheduled. This will keep your loved ones in the loop about what is current at Menno Place and in their apartment as it relates to COVID. If there is a question that they would like answered, the resident or loved one can phone Leonard Klassen with the question: 604.851.4006 or email him:


Independent Living Apartments:

The other apartment buildings are NOT on outbreak. Residents continue to use the dining room and have visitors to their suite. Be cautious as COVID continues to be transmitted in our community.

How can you stay safe?

  • Ask your loved one if they have any COVID symptoms, no matter how mild – see below.
  • Wear a mask when you are inside the building in common areas. For residents – only take the mask off when you are eating in the dining room.
  • If you are unvaccinated and visiting your loved one, you must wear a mask even when alone with your loved one in their suite.
  • Practice hand hygiene – sanitize upon entrance to the building.
  • Practice social distancing with others who you may encounter when you are in the building, including in the elevator and common areas.
  • Encourage your loved one to be cautious about going out. The prevalence of COVID has increased in Abbotsford and the less “going out” they are doing, the less opportunity to contract COVID. This includes attending church.

COVID Symptoms

ASK: Do you have NEW ONSET of COVID-19-like symptoms? Follow COVID-19 testing instructions if the answer is yes.

  • Fever (above 37.8C)
  • Cough
  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Chills
  • Sore Throat
  • Loss of sense of smell
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Extreme fatigue or tiredness
  • Body aches
  • Loss of sense of taste
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Diarrhea

What to do if your loved one has symptoms:

September 16, 2021 – TERRACE EAST NOW ON OUTBREAK – New COVID positive = 0 (T=5)

COVID UPDATE – September 16, 2021 – Terrace East Outbreak


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 5 (5 residents | 0 staff)

We are happy to report that, at this time, we have no new COVID positive residents or staff. We await the results of the point prevalence testing from floors 1-4.

Terrace West is NOT on outbreak. Residents in Terrace West may continue to use the dining room.

September 14, 2021 – TERRACE EAST NOW ON OUTBREAK – New COVID positive = 1 (T=3)

COVID UPDATE – September 14, 2021 – Terrace East Outbreak


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 3 (3 residents | 0 staff)

We are sad to report that a third case of COVID was confirmed today with 2 additional residents swabbed. This resident was symptomatic and swabbed by Terrace East nurse. Families have been informed. Even the mildest symptoms must be reported to the nurse so that a COVID swab can be done. Many fully vaccinated individuals are experiencing COVID with mild symptoms. Please encourage your loved one to report their symptoms.

Point prevalence testing was completed yesterday for residents on the 5th and 6th floors. Results are not yet returned. All staff who worked in Terrace East between September 8 and 12th have also been ordered to be swabbed in this first point-prevalence. This is usually the first thing that is done when a COVID positive person is identified. The swabbing of all people surrounding the COVID positive provides a baseline of information about where COVID is present in the building. This gives Public Health a clearer picture and enables effective action.

With this news, Public Health has declared the entire Terrace East apartment building on outbreak. This means that all residents must remain in their apartment suites. Terrace West is NOT on outbreak. Residents in Terrace West will be given information about using the dining room tomorrow when we hear back from public health.

We may open up more opportunities as we are able, but this is what we can do at this time.

See memo (below) for information on how to manage resident appointments. It is unlikely that a service provider will provide services to someone who is living in a COVID outbreak setting unless those services are life-sustaining such as dialysis, chemotherapy or post-surgical treatment. In these cases, it is likely that a resident will need to wear full PPE for their appointment.


The following memo is being handed out tonight to the residents of Terrace East:


Date:             September 14, 2021

To:                  Residents of Terrace East

Re:                  Three COVID-19 positive residents in Terrace East


There is a third COVID positive resident in Terrace East. As a result all of Terrace East is on outbreak. In addition, two residents have been swabbed (tested) for COVID. Families have been notified.

Outbreak means that all residents of Terrace East must remain in their apartment suite until the outbreak is declared over. Meals will be delivered to your suite. Loved ones can drop off groceries on Thursdays from 1pm – 3pm beginning on Thursday, September 16, 2021. These will be delivered to your suite.

Your care givers will be coming into your suite wearing full Personal Protective Equipment – mask, gown, goggles and gloves. This does not mean that you are COVID positive. It is a layer of protection to keep both yourself and your caregiver safe. You may also wear a mask. This is an additional layer of protection. Menno Place will provide medical masks to your apartment suite.

If you need to go to an appointment, please follow these directions:

Phone your service provider (Renal speciality for dialysis, oncologist, surgeon, dentist, etc.) and ask them how to manage your appointment as you are living in a COVID outbreak apartment building. They will provide you with details on how to receive a life-sustaining treatment or they will re-book your appointment when it is safe to do so.

This is a difficult time for residents, especially as we do not know how long it will be that we are on outbreak. It is a good idea to phone the people you love and connect with them regularly. We are encouraging them to phone you.

We are pleased to remind you that we have a very high percentage of fully vaccinated residents and staff. We are finding in the Menno Home outbreak that the severity of the symptoms is significantly less for those vaccinated than for the unvaccinated. This is very good news. It reminds us, however, that it is essential to report even the mildest of symptoms to the nursing team

Vaccine is not 100% protection, but it is the BEST protection against severe illness, hospitalization and death. There are still fully vaccinated individuals contracting COVID and going to intensive care. Of the fully vaccinated in ICU, the majority of them are over 70 years old. This is still a dangerous illness for the elderly, especially for those who have multiple health issues.

We will arrange for Chaplains and Recreation to provide support for you through phone calls and TV programs (channel 10). We will keep you posted on when to watch for updates.

If you have any symptoms (below) that are new to you or getting worse, call the nursing team to receive a swab.

If you have any questions, please call Leonard Klassen, Life Enrichment Coordinator: 604.851.4006


Cheryl Dawes, Manager, Community Enrichment


 Do you have any of these COVID symptoms – even mildly? Get tested!

Fever or chills? Cough? Unproductive cough?
Sore throat? Extreme fatigue or tiredness?
Body aches? Muscle aches? Diarrhea?
Difficulty breathing? Loss of sense of smell or taste?
Loss of appetite? Headache?
Nausea or vomiting?  



September 14, 2021 – MEMO for Independent Living Residents: Primrose Gardens, Terrace West, Pavilion

This memo was distributed on September 12, 2021 to residents living in Primrose Gardens, Terrace West and Pavilion

There are 2 COVID positive residents in Terrace East. As a result, new Public Health Orders are in place for Terrace East that include droplet precautions for residents on the 5th and 6th floors (as well as COVID testing) and no social visits or outings for any residents in Terrace East.

One COVID positive resident was returned from Abbotsford Regional Hospital after receiving a COVID swab but BEFORE they received the results. They found out later that they are COVID positive. This created risk for others (residents and staff) to contract COVID.

As a result, we have created a poster that we will put on every apartment door that tells your loved ones who to call if you need to go to hospital or are discharged from hospital. This includes a short visit to the Emergency Room. We can only ensure COVID protocols are in place if we know that you are returning to your home at Menno Apartments.

The risk of getting COVID in the community has now increased as COVID is spreading in Abbotsford. We strongly recommend that you do not go out unless it is essential for you to do so – like seeing your doctor. This includes re-thinking whether or not you will attend church. If others aren’t wearing masks at church, the risk of contracting COVID increases.

If you do go out, wear a mask at all times. Cover your nose and mouth. Stay 6 feet away from others. Sanitize your hands frequently. The medical masks in the foyer are the best safeguard masks for you and are the best protection for those around you as well. Don’t come to the dining room for meals if you don’t feel well. Call Reception to arrange your meal.

It is also mandatory for you to wear a mask within your apartment building and in your apartment suite if you are with someone else. This is an added layer of protection for you from this very contagious Delta variant of COVID. Vaccine is not 100% protection, but it is the BEST protection against severe illness, hospitalization and death. There are still fully vaccinated individuals contracting COVID and going to intensive care. Of the fully vaccinated in ICU, the majority of them are over 70 years old. This is still a dangerous illness for the elderly, especially for those who have multiple health issues.

We are pleased to remind you that we have a very high percentage of fully vaccinated residents and staff. We are finding in the Menno Home outbreak that the severity of the symptoms is significantly less for those vaccinated than for the unvaccinated. This is very good news. It reminds us, however, that it is essential to report even the mildest of symptoms to the nursing team or to Reception. See below for list of symptoms.

If you are unvaccinated, your risk of contracting COVID is 11 times greater than the vaccinated. Menno Place residents and staff were vaccinated with Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine which is 88% effective against symptomatic disease and 96% effective against hospitalization. We did get our vaccine some time ago, so the efficacy of it has decreased. Use ALL your layers of protection! Get vaccinated if you are able to!

If you have any symptoms (below) that are new to you or getting worse, call 604.587.3936 and book a COVID swab test for yourself at 32470 Haida Drive, Abbotsford, BC.

If you are unsure if you should be tested, call the Fraser Health Virtual Care Team at 1-800-314-0999 between 10am and 10pm seven days a week to talk about your situation. Be sure to tell the Receptionist (604.851.4000) or myself if you are going for a COVID swab test.

If you have any questions, please call me,

Cheryl Dawes, Manager, Community Enrichment – 604.851.4020


Do you have any of these COVID symptoms – even mildly? Get tested!


Fever or chills? Cough? Unproductive cough?
Sore throat? Extreme fatigue or tiredness?
Body aches? Muscle aches? Diarrhea?
Difficulty breathing? Loss of sense of smell or taste?
Loss of appetite? Headache?
Nausea or vomiting?  


September 13 & 14, 2021 – TERRACE EAST – New COVID positive = 0 (T=2)

COVID UPDATE – September 13 & 14, 2021 – Terrace East



We are working on a system to open essential grocery deliveries for residents of Terrace East and will update you shortly.

Previously reported:

Residents of the 5th and 6th floor of Terrace East are now on droplet precautions.
This means that they are to remain in their apartment suites. All who enter their suites must wear full PPE.
All meals for 5th and 6th floor residents delivered to their suites.

No social visits for any Terrace East residents. No outings or exiting the TE building.
Essential visitors permitted – call Cheryl: 604.851.4020 if you are designated as an Essential Visitor.

Recreation activities temporarily suspended. A memo for residents will be handed out today and published on this site as well.

As we are in a time of high COVID prevalence, it is essential that everyone returning from Hospital (ER or admitted) receives a COVID test and obtains the results PRIOR to returning to Menno Apartments. Cheryl Dawes, Manager, Community Enrichment and her team are able to help residents and families navigate steps that keep residents and staff safe, including communication with Fraser Health.

MANDATORY MASKS FOR RESIDENTS: As a result of this situation, we require all Apartment residents to wear masks (mandatory) when they leave their apartment or when a visitor (IL) is in the apartment with them. It has been several weeks since we announced mandatory masks for all visitors. Medical grade masks are the preferred mask to be worn and are available at the foyer in every apartment for both residents and visitors.

WHAT TO DO IF YOUR LOVED ONE IS IN HOSPITAL AND THEN RETURNING HOME: We will be putting a poster on every apartment door that outlines what family should do if their loved one needs to go or return from hospital. As the apartment resident lives in communal living, their return from ARH puts at risk many others if they are COVID positive.

  1. INFORM MENNO PLACE OF HOSPITAL VISIT TO ER OR HOSPITAL ADMISSION – If your loved one goes to Hospital for any length of time (ER or Admitted), you must call our nursing team to inform them – Nursing Team: 604.615.7652.
  2. INFORM MENNO PLACE OF REQUESTED RETURN FROM HOSPITAL: Additionally, Cheryl and her team will provide the support you need to ensure that your loved one does not return to Menno Apartments with a COVID positive result. Do not discharge them or return from ER without the results of the COVID test. If they are COVID positive, Cheryl Dawes, Manager, Community Enrichment and her team will provide the support you need to navigate this situation while keeping others safe.
  3. KEEPING OTHERS SAFE: The protocols for a COVID positive resident include isolation in their room and full PPE (personal protective equipment) for the staff. It also includes enhanced cleaning of any objects touched by a COVID positive individual (railings, door handles, elevator buttons). If we don’t know about your loved one’s test result or pending test result, we can’t do everything required to keep other residents and staff safe.

ASK THE DAILY SCREENING QUESTIONS: As COVID prevalence has become greater in our community, it is all the more important to have these daily questions asked to each resident. We are encouraging family members to include these questions in your conversations. Click here for Screening Questions.