COVID UPDATE – April 25, 2021 – *New*  Menno Home W1

NEW COVID POSITIVE CASES  = 1 (0 residents / 1 staff)

TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 1 (0 residents/ 1 staff)

TOTAL NEW SWABS FOR COVID = 7 (6 residents / 1 staff)

In consultation with Public Health, the following directions were given:

  • 6 residents who were in contact with the staff member are on droplet isolation and have been swabbed
  • Remaining residents are to stay in their rooms
  • All communal activities including dining and recreation temporarily stopped
  • All visitation (social and essential) temporarily stopped

There will be more information once public health consults the Medical Health Officer.


COVID UPDATE – April 25, 2021 – *New*  Menno Home E1

NEW COVID POSITIVE CASES  = 1 (0 residents / 1 staff)

TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 1 (0 residents/ 1 staff)

TOTAL NEW SYMPTOMATIC = 0 (0 resident / 0 staff)

In consultation with Public Health, the following directions were given:

  • E1 Menno Home is under enhanced monitoring
  • All staff working in Menno Home E1 cohorted to this unit
  • All communal activities including dining and recreation temporarily stopped
  • All visitation (social and essential) temporarily stopped

There will be more information once public health consults the Medical Health Officer

Menno Place Says Good-Bye to residents who succumbed to COVID-19

Menno Place Says Goodbye to the residents who succumbed to COVID-19 in this memorial service featuring messages from Menno Place CEO Karen Biggs and Menno Place Chaplain Ingrid Schultz.

From the families:

Rudie Willms Family

Garry, This is very much appreciated.  I think we are all longing for the end to this pandemic. All the best in all your efforts at Menno Place. We as a family are so grateful for the fact that our parents have been and mom continues to be in your care.

Ed Willms, son


Thank you Garry for putting together such a wonderful video of remembrance. Again I would like to thank you and Menno Place for providing such good care for my husband Rudie. Menno Home was the best place to meet his needs. Although I miss him terribly, I know he is safe in the arms of his Savior.

Keep up the good work, Louise Willms, wife


Bill Hireen’s family

Hello Garry,

This is a lovely memorial. Thank you to all who participated in the making of this video in remembrance of all our loved ones who lived at Menno.

I will forward & share with our dad’s family (Bill Hireen).

Sincerely, Val & family


Rose Pollock Family


Thank you to everyone. The video was very beautiful and very much appreciated.


Lori Pollock

Bruce Marshall’s family


Thank you so much for sending me the link.   That was beautifully done!  I really do hope  you are able to do a memorial and butterfly release later this year.

Thanks again.

Deb Marshall


W1 Home is off droplet precautions!

We are thrilled to let you know that W1 Menno Home is off droplet precautions!

Residents can come out of their rooms.

This is an exciting day! Way to go Menno Home W1 TEAM!!!

Vaccination Updates – Menno Place

Vaccination Updates – Menno Place – February 13, 2021

Menno Hospital – 2nd doses of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine were given to the residents today.

Menno Home – We are expecting that 2nd doses of Pfizer-BioNTech will happen mid-March, but have not received confirmation of the date.

Terrace East – Assisted Living – 2nd doses of Pfizer-BioNTech will be given to residents on Saturday, Feb. 13, 2021. This is only for residents. Staff and any visitors who were vaccinated will need to book their 2nd dose through the Fraser Health online booking. For 2nd dose information, contact connect@mennoplace.ca

Independent Living – Primrose Gardens, Terrace West, Pavilion

EngAge BC has just received confirmation that independent living residents will receive COVID-19 vaccinations in phase two of the vaccine’s roll out (subject to supply). As such, it is expected that vaccines could begin to roll out in independent living as early as the beginning of March. This timing will coincide with the vaccination of home health employees.

Staff – Your 1st and 2nd dose vaccinations can be booked using the Fraser Health online booking calendar – CLICK HERE – You must be 42 days from 1st dose to receive your 2nd dose.

We are pleased to report that 94% of the staff who are currently receiving paystubs from Menno Place have been vaccinated with their first dose. Way to go, TEAM!

FEBRUARY 1 – HOME W1 – Total new positives = 1 (T=2)

COVID POSITIVE – February 1 – 2020 – Menno Home W1

TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 2 (0 residents / 2 staff)

We are sorry to report that there is another COVID positive for W1. This is also a staff member.

We will have a round of point-prevalence on February 4th for residents and staff – this is the baseline COVID swab testing. We will need to continue on precautions until Febraury 12th if there are no further positive results.

All residents have tested negative. 100% of the residents have received COVID vaccination on this unit.

JANUARY 29 – HOME W1 – Total new positives = 0 (T=1)

COVID POSITIVE – January 29 – 2020 – Menno Home W1

TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 1 (0 residents / 1 staff)

All residents of W1 were given a COVID swab test. All of their tests have returned negative!

We do not have all the results of the swab from the staff at this time.

JANUARY 28 – HOME W1 – Total new positives = 1 staff (T=1)

*NEW* COVID POSITIVE – January 28 – 2020 – Menno Home W1

TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 1 (0 residents / 1 staff)

We are very sad to bring you this news today. We were informed yesterday and processes have been put into place today. There is NO impact to the other units in Menno Home at this time.

  • One staff member is COVID positive. This is unrelated to any other cases of COVID in Menno Home. This staff member was asymptomatic, but infectious during their shift on January 23/2021. We believe that this was community transmission to the staff member. After becoming symptomatic, they informed Menno Place and we informed Fraser Health.
  • W1 residents have returned to droplet precautions and continue to co-hort staff.
  • 100% of the residents on W1 have been immunized with the first dose of COVID-19 Pfizer/Biontech vaccine
  • 95% of residents in long-term care (Home, Hospital) and Assisted Living (Terrace East) have been vaccinated. Residents who aren’t vaccinated have a variety of reasons, primarily medical conditions which increase medical risk
  • 94% of our staff have been vaccinated. Staff who aren’t vaccinated have a variety of reasons: unable to take the opportunity to get vaccinated; illness that prevents vaccination; personal convictions. Vaccination for staff is not mandatory, but is encouraged for the protection of the staff and residents.
  • Point-prevalence testing (COVID swab testing) for all residents and staff on W1 is taking place today.


COVID Update – January 23, 2021


Menno Home E2 is officially declared OFF of outbreak!!!!
Tell the E2 Staff how much you appreciate them! https://mennoplacelife.com/encourage-frontline/ We are so sorry for the losses brought by this COVID-19 outbreak. The 13 residents who succumbed to COVID are not forgotten. We are grieving. We are also so grateful that the outbreak was contained to only one unit.
We thank God that it is OVER!
We await word from Fraser Health on how the STEP-DOWN process will be rolled out.
Please fill out the above form and thank KAREN BIGGS, CEO and KIM SCOTT, Infection Control Lead and Director of Care.
Thank the whole team – they gave it their all – and it was a battle. We think of the 25 staff and 42 residents who battled this virus in their own bodies – and wish them a complete recovery.
Thank you, families, for your amazing support throughout the outbreak – you have faced the fear of this virus all the while without seeing your loved one. E2 Families – THANK YOU.
And now hug the people you can – and let yourself breathe a little lighter.
We did this together and we did the best we could.
Well done, TEAM!
It is OVER!

Home E2 – What happens after the outbreak is declared over?

Home E2 – What happens after the outbreak is declared over?

We continue to anticipate that Home E2 will have the outbreak declared over. When this happens, we will enter a Step-Down process that is a phased approach to return to activities, dining together, movement throughout the unit and safe visits.

This Phased approach continues to prioritize the safety of residents, the strict adherence to infection control protocols and the best practices of other care homes that have come off of outbreak. Phases take place over the 8 weeks following the outbreak being declared over.

We are excited that in the first phase, the unit can come off of droplet precautions!

Dining together and safe visits will be part of the 2nd phase of the Step-Down process.

Home E2 will have a Step-Down process in place that is specific to the needs of that location and in consideration of the nature of this outbreak. Fraser Health and the Medical Health Officer provide direction for us in all of these steps. Staff continue to be cohorted to work in only ONE unit.

We do not expect safe visits to begin for at least 4 more weeks depending on how the Step-Down process moves along.

If there is a COVID-19 positive of staff or resident, Home E2 will return immediately to outbreak.

We will keep you posted as we learn more about this process – and hope that this outbreak will be declared over in the next several days!