Menno Place – Infection Control / COVID-19 Return to Work Checklist
We look forward to having those staff who have been off with COVID recovered and back to work soon. This is a time to celebrate their recovery and welcome them back to a safe, welcoming environment.
Mike Mutter, the Clinical Nurse Educator with Fraser Health, has provided the checklist (below) to review with returning staff to ensure they are prepared for the “new normal” in the COVID climate. This is also for staff who are currently working to review so that we all have the same, consistent message.
Return to Work Checklist
CLICK HERE FOR PDF – When returning to work, you will be provided with the following information – please ensure that you’ve had the opportunity to ask questions and know who to contact if you have further questions. You will be asked to initial beside each topic to indicate you’ve received the education.
- What is COVID-19? Overview of COVID. How it is spread, N95 use / AGPs.
- Back to the Basics: Remember to practice physical distancing, wash hands and good respiratory etiquette (eg. during your breaks, maintain a distance of 2m apart). Wipe down work surfaces and equipment (phone, etc.) before you start work and at the end of your shift.
- Screening process: Upon entering the building wash your hands, apply a procedure mask and eyewear and proceed to the screening area.
- Extended use of procedure mask / eyewear: Eyewear and procedure/surgical mask are to be worn in all patient areas or in areas where residents may have the potential to congregate.
- Process to follow if feeling unwell: If you are not feeling well, you should not come to work. Please use the established illness reporting process (phone staffing).
- Staff movement within the building: Cohorting of staff is important (including designated break rooms and bathrooms). Ensure you are aware of these practices in your unit.
- Proper hand hygiene – when to use ABHR (Alcohol based hand rub) and when to use Soap and Water: Use soap and water when your hands are visibly soiled. Use ABHR during donning/doffing PPE and during the 4 moments of hand hygiene.
- Glo-Germ Hand hygiene: Practice meticulous hand hygiene mechanics using glo-germ to reinforce proper technique and frequently missed areas.
- The 4 Moments of Hand Hygiene:
- Before initial patient / patient environment contact
- Before aseptic procedure
- After body fluid exposure risk
- After patient / patient environment contact
- Donning PPE (theory and return demonstration): After procedure mask and face protection applied (which will already be on) > wash hands > don gown (ensuring it is tied properly)> wash hands > don gloves ensuring coverage over gown. Have buddy check before entering a resident’s room. Also review completing donning and doffing of ALL PPE.
- Doffing PPE (theory and return demonstration): Before leaving room: remove gloves> wash hands using ABHR> remove gown > wash hands. dispose of PPE before leaving room. After leaving room wash hands again before moving to another task.
- Reporting a breech in PPE use: If you have not work your PPE correctly, please report this to your supervisor.
I, ______________, am confident that I havee been provided with adequate information related to COVID-19 infection control practices in order to do my job safely to protect myself, residents and my colleagues. I agree to abide by infection control best practices.